ICCMM 2018

2018 3rd International Conference on Carbon Materials and Material Sciences (ICCMM 2018)--EI Compendex and Scopus

Sydney (Australia), 16-18 November 2018

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Conference Description

ICCMM2018 is organized by South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering(SAISE).

More details, please visit: http://www.iccmm.org

After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.

Call for Papers:

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Carbon Materials
Graphite, graphene, diamond, nano-diamond, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and nanofibers, activated carbons, amorphous carbons, pyrolytic carbon, glassy carbon, carbon blacks and chars etc.

Synthesis, Characterization and Properties
Important aspects related to synthesis and characterization. Electrical, Optical, Magnetic, Structural, Mechanical and other properties. Doping in Carbon Materials.

in Fuel Cells, Batteries, Capacitors, Sensors, Actuators, Solar Cells, Hydrogen Storage, Composites, Field Electron Emission, Filters (water and air etc), Field Effect Transistors, Spintronics, Memory Devices and so on.

Theoretical study of carbon materials, their property and applications

For more topics, please visit http:http://www.iccmm.org/cfp.html


By Email: [email protected]

By online submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iccmm2018


Conference Secretary of ICCMM:MS. CHELSEA WANG

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +852-30717761 (HK) / +86-18062000004 (China)

Conference creator: Brandon

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Sydney (Australia)

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