ISMSE 2018

2018 4th International Symposium on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ISMSE 2018)

Beijing (China), 12-14 October 2018

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Conference Description

2018 4th International Symposium on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ISMSE 2018)
Oct 12-14, 2018 |Beijing, China

Welcome to the official website of 2018 4th International Symposium on Manufacturing Science and Engineering (ISMSE 2018), scheduled from 12 to 14, October, 2018. ISMSE 2018 is organized by Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers.
The aim as well as objective of ISMSE 2018 is to present the latest research and results of scientists related to Manufacturing Science and Engineering topics. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas face-to-face, to establish business or research relations as well as to find global partners for future collaborations. We hope that the conference results will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge in these up-to-date scientific fields.
The focus of the conference is to establish an effective platform for institutions and industries to share ideas and to present the works of scientists, engineers, educators and students from all over the world. The organizing committee of conference is pleased to invite prospective authors to submit their original manuscripts to ISMSE 2018.

●Publication and Indexing
1. All the registered and presented papers will be published in the volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering(ISSN: 1757-899X), which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (WoS), Inspec, and other indexing organizations.
2.All high quality papers will be selected for a full paper submission for a special issue of Micromachines (ISSN 2072-666X), which will be indexed by SCIE, EI compendex, Scopus, web of science and other databases.
3.Selected excellent presented papers with extension will be recommended to publish in the Special Issue of Fluids (ISSN 2311-5521),which will be indexed by CAS, DOAJ, INSPEC (IET) and other databases.

●ISMSE 2018 Speakers
Prof. Ruxu Du,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
Prof. Ian McAndrew,Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, UK
Prof. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor, University of Malaya, Malaysia

●Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Metal Alloys
Building Materials
Chemical Materials
Material Properties, Characterization and Applications
More topics can be found at:

●Paper Submission
1.You can choose to submit your paper directly to [email protected]
2.You can submit your full paper through electronic submission system:

●Call for participants
1.Presenter: If you are interested in presenting your research on the conference, without publishing your paper in the proceeding, please submit the abstract to us: [email protected].
2.Listener: If you are interested in attending the conference to participant this gathering on the field of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, you are welcome to join us and share your ideas
3.Reviewer: Experts in the area of Manufacturing Science and Engineering are welcome to join the conference as reviewer. HKSME will award certificate whose need it.Send your CV to us: [email protected]

●Contact Us:
If you have any question, please feel free to contact our conference secretary.
Ms. Linda Lee
Tel: +852-30506862
Welcome you to contact us by Email to [email protected]

Conference creator: Jenniferlaw0109

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Beijing (China)

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