International conference details
ICGIP 2019
2019 11th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus
Hangzhou (China), 12-14 October 2019
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2019-10-12
Conference Description
*ICGIP 2019 - Ei Compendex and Scopus Index
Full Name: 2019 11th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus
Time:October 12-14, 2019
Place: Hangzhou, China
As an annual conference, the past ICGIPs had been successfully held in Kota Kinabalu, Manila, Cairo, Singapore, Hongkong, Beijing, Tokyo, Qingdao, Chengdu.
You are invited to join 2019 11th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2019) in Hangzhou, China during October 12-14, 2019.
*Keynote Speaker*
Prof. Dr. Ting-Chung Poon, IEEE Fellow & OSA Fellow & IOP Fellow, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
Prof. Thierry Blu, IEEE Fellow & HKIE Fellow, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Ce ZHU, IEEE Fellow, University of Electronic Science & Technology of China
*Call for Paper
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
3-D and Surface Reconstruction
Adaptive and Clustering Algorithms
Medical image processing
Multiple Filtering and Filter Banks
For details about topics, please visit at
The Proceedings of ICGIP 2019 will be published in the SPIE Digital Library with over 460,000 papers from other outstanding conferences and SPIE Journals and books from SPIE Press.
The accepted papers will be published in this conference proceedings. which will be included in SPIE Digital Library and provided to the Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science, Scopus, Ei Compendex, Web of Science (CPCI), Inspec, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, and others, to ensure maximum awareness of the Proceedings.
The papers will be sent to be indexed by Ei Compendexand Scopus. ICGIP has very credible publication index records.
1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation)
Submit paper via online system:
*Conference Schedule
Day 1 - October 12, 2019, Registration, collecting conference materials.
Day 2 - October 13, 2019, Morning----Openning Remarks, Keynote Speech and Group Photo
Day 2 - October 13, 2019, Afternoon----Presentation (Oral/Poster)
Day 3 - October 14, 2019, Presentation (Oral/Poster)
Conference Secretary : Ms. Tyra Zhang
Email : [email protected]
Tel : +86-182-1565-4293
Conference creator: Sara
Actions menu
Conference Location
Hangzhou (China)