International conference details
HPCCT 2019
2019 3rd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference (HPCCT 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus
Guangzhou (China), 22-24 June 2019
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2019-06-22
Conference Description
2019 3rd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference (HPCCT 2019)--Ei Compendex and Scopus
The 3rd High Performance Computing and Cluster Technologies Conference (HPCCT 2019) will be held in Guangzhou, China during June 22-24, 2019
More details, please visit:
Publication and Indexing:
All submissions will be peer reviewed 2-3 reviewers, and the accepted papers after registration will be published in Conference Proceedings, which indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
Call for Papers:
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Parallel and distributed system architectures
Languages and compilers for high performance computing
Parallel and distributed software technologies
Parallel and distributed algorithms
Embedded systems
Peer-to-peer computing
Grid and cluster computing
Web services and Internet computing
Cloud computing
Utility computing
Performance evaluation and measurement
Tools and environments for software development
Distributed systems and applications
High-performance scientific and engineering computing
Database applications and data mining
Biological/molecular computing
Collaborative and cooperative environments
Mobile computing and wireless communications
Computer Networks
Pervasive/ubiquitous computing and intelligence
Autonomic, reliability and fault-tolerance
Trust, security and privacy
By Email: [email protected]
By online submission system:
Ms. Carmen Wong
Conference Secretary of HPCCT2019
Email:[email protected]
Tel: +86-15928616367 (China)
Conference creator: Brandon
Actions menu
Conference Location
Guangzhou (China)