ICABE 2019

2019 International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE 2019)

Hawaii (United States), 15-17 March 2019

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Conference Description

2019 International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE 2019)

2019 International Conference on Applied Business and Economics (ICABE 2019), will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, the United States, during March 15-17, 2019.

Conference Website: http://www.icabe.org

The conference committees welcome participants around the world, to attend and to share reserch experiences.
On March 17, an one-day tour in Honolulu will be expected, and all participants are welcomed.

Online paper submissiion:
1. [email protected]
2. http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icabe2019

Suggested contribution topics include (but are not limited to) empirical and theoretical studies of:

Business Policy, Strategy and Governance
Interoperability and Integration
Agent-oriented Information Systems
Multi-agent Systems and Information Integration
VPN Technology and Services
B2B, B2C and C2C Architectures
E-Business Systems for Multiple Platforms

For more information about the topics, please check the offciel website : http://www.icabe.org/cfp.html

Accepted papers for the ICABE 2019 will be published in International Jounal of Economics, Buisness and Management(JOEBM) as one volume, which will be indexed by Electronic Journals Library, Doi System, Google Scholar, Crossref, and ProQuest, etc.

To avoid any inconvenience may caused to you, please complete your submission before November 20, 2018.
Please note only choose one method to submit your articles, do not submit twice.

Conference Secretary: Theodore Tang.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +852-3500-0005 (Hong Kong)
+1-313-263-4817 (USA)
+86-28-86528478 (China)

Conference creator: Geoff

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Hawaii (United States)

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