ICRE 2022

2022 6th International Conference on Reliability Engineering (ICRE 2022)

Venice (Italy), 23-25 November 2022

Key deadlines
Conference starts:
Paper Submission for Revision by:

Visit the conference website

Conference Description

ICRE is an annual event which aims at a key theme on Reliability Engineering. It's the workshop of ICSRS which is ICRE Event is the workshop oIt will feature world-class plenary speakers, major technical symposiums, industry and academic panels, workshops, tutorials and invited tracks. In the past years, ICSRS has became an international leading conference in System Reliability and Safety field. It was held in many large capital cities, such as Rome, Paris, Milan, Barcelona.

The objective of ICRE 2022 (workshop of ICSRS 2022) is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Reliability Engineering. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.

You are sincerely invited to take part in ICRE 2022 !

We provide a good opportunity by admiring your updated research knowledge and also by publishing it in the conference proceedings.

Submitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers will be included into Conference Proceedings which wil be indexed by SCOPUS and Ei Compendex.

Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be publsihed in the conference proceeding.

1. The official language is English. The submitted paper should be no less than 5 pages and prepared carefully according to the conference template.
2. Abstract submission is acceptable but it will be accepted for presentation only.

* Welcome to submit the paper or abstract by Electronic Submission System:
More details about submission, please visit at http://www.icre.org/sub.html

Conference Secretary: Ms. Sylvia
Email: [email protected]


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