2023 International Conference on Electric Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering (CEVVE 2023)

Shenzhen (China), 10-12 November 2023

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Conference Description

★2023 International Conference on Electric Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering (CEVVE 2023)-- Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for paper
November 10-12, 2023|Shenzhen, China|Website: www.cevve.org

★CEVVE 2023 welcomes researchers, engineers, scientists, and industry professionals to an open forum where advances in the field of Electric Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering can be shared and examined. The conference is an ideal platform for keeping up with advances and changes to a consistently morphing field. Leading researchers and industry experts from around the globe will be presenting the latest studies through papers and oral presentations.

★Publication and Indexing
Accepted and presented full papers will be collected in digital conference proceedings and published in IET Conference Proceedings (ISSN: 2732-4494), which can be inlcuded in IET digital library (IDL), IEEE Xplore, IET Inspec and submitted to EI compendex and other major databases for indexing.

★Keynote Speakers

Prof. Eric Cheng (IEEE Fellow, Director)——The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Speech Title: Future Energy Storage For Electric Vehicles: Battery, Hydrogen, Ammonia or others

Prof. Hongming Xu (Chair in Energy and Automotive Engineering, Head of Vehicle and Engine Technology Centre)——University of Birmingham
Speech Title: The Future of Automotive Electric Energy

★Invited Speakers

Assist. Prof. Chen Lv (Citations>7900, H-index=49)——Nanyang Technological University
Speech Title: Human-Machine Hybrid Intelligence for Future Mobility

Prof. Namwook Kim——Hanyang University
Speech Title: Model-based Analysis of the Impact of the vehicle electrification on the traffic energy consumption

Assoc. Prof. Yongjun Pan——Chongqing University
Speech Title: Real-time modeling of electric vehicles via multibody dynamics theory for preview control

★Paper Submission
1.Submit Via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/CEVVE2023
2.Send your manuscript as an attachment to the conference email:[email protected]

The conference will select Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper Award, Excellent Presentation Award, Excellent Poster Award and Excellent Paper Award.

The Organizing Committee has the authority to establish additional awards or select multiple recipients for each award following panel discussions.
· The Best Paper Award signifies the highest level of research excellence within the conference.
· The Best Student Paper Award acknowledges the most exceptional student paper at the conference.
· The Excellent Presentation Award acknowledges exceptional presentations at the conference.
· The Excellent Poster Award acknowledges exceptional poster presentations at the conference.
· The Excellent Paper Award acknowledges exceptional papers at the conference.

Ms. Chris Y. Cheung
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.cevve.org

★Call for papers(http://www.cevve.org/cfp):

Active and Passive Vehicle Safety
High-voltage battery management systems for electric vehicles
Advances in battery technologies for electric vehicles
Human Factors and Human Machine Interaction
Advantages and disadvantages of electric vehicles
Image, Radar, Lidar Signal Processing
All-solid-state batteries
Impact on Traffic Flows
Applied Mechanics
Industrial Tribology
Assistive Mobility Systems
Information Fusion
Automated Vehicles
For more CFP, please visit:http://www.cevve.org/cfp

Conference creator: kobeben123

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Shenzhen (China)

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