ICITM 2023

2023 the 12th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM 2023)

Cambridge (United Kingdom), 16-18 February 2023

Key deadlines
Conference starts:
Paper Submission for Revision by:

Visit the conference website

Conference Description

Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers will be included into ICITM 2023 Conference Proceedings which will be published by CPS and submitted to Xplore, and indexed by EI Compendex, SCOPUS, etc....

The publication records, please refer to: http://www.icitm.org/proceedings.html
ICITM 2023 has arranged special issues with journals to publish an extended version of the conference's most top conference papers:
-IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine: ISI impact Factor, ISSN: 2162-2248, 2018 Impact Factor: 3.273
-International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems (IJCDS): SCOPUS & INSPEC, ISSN 2210-142X

1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (only presentation)
Submission Online Electrical System (Please submit via the following link) : https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icitm2023
More details about submission, please via: http://www.icitm.org/sub.html

Conference Schedule
Day 1, February 16, 2023
Check in for ICITM 2023 and Conference Material Collection
Day 2, February 17, 2023
09:00 – 18:00 Opening Remarks & Keynote Speech & & Plenary Speech & ICITM Parallel Sessions
Day 3, February 18, 2023
09:00 – 16:45 ICITM Parallel Sessions

Cambridge, United Kingdom
Abounding with exquisite architecture, exuding history and tradition, and renowned for its quirky rituals, Cambridge is a university town extraordinaire. The tightly packed core of ancient colleges, the picturesque riverside 'Backs' (college gardens) and the leafy green meadows surrounding the city give it a more tranquil appeal than its historic rival Oxford.
Like 'the Other Place', as Oxford is known locally, the buildings here seem unchanged for centuries, and it's possible to wander around the college buildings and experience them as countless prime ministers, poets, writers and scientists have done. Sheer academic achievement seems to permeate the very walls: cyclists loaded down with books negotiate cobbled passageways, students relax on manicured lawns and great minds debate life-changing research in historic pubs. First-time punters zigzag erratically across the river, and those long past their student days wonder what it would have been like to study in such splendid surroundings.

Ms. Eileen Wu (Secretary Assistant)
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +86-28-86527868
Monday - Friday (09:30-18:00)

Conference creator: Sara

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Cambridge (United Kingdom)

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