International conference details
PEEM 2023
2023 The International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy Management (PEEM 2023)
Singapore (Singapore), 17-19 February 2023
Key deadlines
- Conference starts:
- 2023-02-17
- Paper Submission for Revision by:
- 2023-01-10
Conference Description
The International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy Management (PEEM 2023) will be held in Singapore, during 【 February 17-19, 2023 】.
where participants will gain detailed insights into the state of the art of power electronics and energy management, and enjoy the exchange with other enthusiasts from all over the world who are interested in this highly relevant and constantly growing area. The conference is initiated by Science and Engineering Institute, USA, Sensors and Systems Society of Singapore (SSS), assisted by National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland, University of Wollongong, Australia, Tokai University, Japan, Agriculture University, China, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand and German University in Cairo, Egypt.
Conference official website:
Reviewed and accepted papers can be published to Energy Report conference proceedings, which is indexed by SCIE, EI Compendex and Scopus..
Submit Way
Submit via system:
For any inquiries, please be free to contact email: [email protected]
Secretary: Ms. Celine. Xi
Email: [email protected]
Conference creator: Chapman
Actions menu
Conference Location
Singapore (Singapore)