2024 International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing

Xishuangbanna (China), 27-29 December 2024

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Conference Description

●2024 International Conference on Vision, Image and Signal Processing (ICVISP 2024) - Ei Compendex & Scopus—Call for papers December 27-29, 2024|Xishuangbanna, China|Website: www.icvisp.org

●ICVISP 2024 provides researchers and industry experts with one of the best platforms to meet and discuss groundbreaking research and innovations in the field of Vision, Image and Signal Processing. International invited speakers are invited to present their state-of-the-art work on various aspects, which will highlight important and developing areas.

●Publication and Indexing:
All accepted and presented papers will be published in digital conference proceeding, which will send to be reviewed and indexed by major citation databases such as Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, Google Scholar etc. Selected papers will be considered for submission in journal after significant extension.

●ICVISP Publishing History:
1.The 1st ICVISP has been held inOsaka, Japan on 22-24 September, 2017, and accepted papers by ICVISP 2017 has been published in IEEE digital library and indexed by Inspec, EI Compendex and Scopus.
2.The 2nd ICVISP has been held at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA on 27-29 August, 2018, and accepted papers by ICVISP 2018 has been published in ACM Conference series and indexed by EI Compendex.
3.The 3rd ICVISP has been held at The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus, Canada on 26-28 August 2019, and accepted papers by ICVISP 2019 has been published in ACM conference series and indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.
4.ICVISP 2020 has been published in the ACM Conference series, which has been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus.

●Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Minling Zhang, Southeast University, China;
Prof. Witold Pedrycz, IEEE Life Fellow, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada;
Prof. Xiongbiao Luo, Xiamen University, China;
Prof. Vladan Devedzic, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia

●Program Preview/ Program at a glance:
December 27: Registration + Icebreaker Reception;
December 28: Opening Ceremony+ KN Speech+ Technical Sessions;
December 29: Technical Sessions+ Half day tour/Lab tours

●Paper Submission:
Submit Via CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICVISP2024

Ms. Dora Wu;
Email: [email protected];
Website: www.icvisp.org

Conference creator: kobeben123

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Xishuangbanna (China)

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