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ICDES 2020

5th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES 2020)

Shenzhen (China), 27-29 February 2020

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Conference Description

2020 5th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (ICDES 2020) will be hosted in Shenzhen, China during Feb. 27-29, 2020, in conjunction with IC4M 2020. ICDES 2020 is organized by Hong Kong Society of Mechanical Engineers, technical sponsored by Loughborough University, Gent University, IQS, South China University of Technology and other organizations.

●Publication Information
1. All presented and registered papers of ICDES 2020 will be included in Conference Proceeding , published in the conference proceeding which will be indexed by Ei compendex, ISI, Scopus, etc.

2 Selected excellent papers with significant extension can be recommended to Journal of Engineering Design for review and publishing. The Journal of Engineering Design is abstracted and indexed in: British Library Inside, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts; EBSCO Databases; Electronic Collections Online; INSPEC®; ISI Current Contents® - Engineering, Computing & Technology; ISI Science Citation Index®; New Jour; OCLC ArticleFirst; PerAbs; Recent Advances in Manufacturing Database (RAM); Scopus™ and Zetoc.

3 Selected excellent presented papers with extension will be recommended to publish in the Sepcial Issue of Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science (ISSN:1875-8959), which will be indexed by Ei Compendex, CPX, Scopus, ACM Digital Library,Web of Science: Emerging Sources Citation Index and other databases.

4 High quality papers* will be recommended to publish in Journal of Remanufacturing (ISSN: 2210-464X (Print) 2210-4690 (Online))

5 High quality papers* will be recommended to publish in International Journal of Advanced Materials and Production (IJAMP),ISSN 2520-436X( Online).

● Keynote Speakers
1. Prof. Mohd Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor, University of Malaya,Malaysia
2. Prof. Yongbo Wu,Southern University of Science and Technology, China
3. Prof. Kai Cheng,Brunel University, UK

● Invited Speaker
1. Prof. Jan Detand, Ghent University, Belgium
2. Dr. Simon K.S. Cheung ,Open University of Hong Kong, China

●Topics(for more topics:
Design Methodology
Design process
Evaluation of design
Design and Development
Design of mechanical elements
Design and Production
Design management
Computer graphics
Surface characteristics

●Paper Submission
Submission Email: [email protected]
Submission System:

●Contact Us
Ms. Amber Cao
Email: [email protected]
Tel:+852-30506862( Hong Kong)

Conference creator: Jenniferlaw0109

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Shenzhen (China)

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