
Let's Make The "Call" Together: Cell Phones and HIPAA

Fremont (United States), 11 July 2019

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Conference Description


Join our live webinar to understand how you and your organization can employ cell phones for increased efficiency without leaving your team exposed to legal risk.

In this webinar, we will

Discuss the OCR increase in HIPAA enforcement
Review the ways your staff may be using cell phones
that introduces risk to patients and your organization
Consider the best option for a phone service provider moving forward
Explore ways to train staff members who will be using cell phones at work
Decide which uses of cell phones should be permitted by employees of different types of organizations
Cover the essentials you need to include in your HIPAA policy concerning smart phone access and usage
Plan an efficient ways to implement new training and policy on the use of cell phones and HIPAA throughout your organization
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Contact Info:
Netzealous LLC - MentorHealth
Phone No: 1-800-385-1607
Fax: 302-288-6884
Email: [email protected]

Conference creator: MentorHealth

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Fremont 94539 (United States)

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