HR Training

Your Organization's Culture: If you Don't Get It Right, Nothing Else Matters

Fremont (United States), 22 May 2019

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Conference Description

The TrainHR Course is approved by HRCI and SHRM Recertification Provider.

Get on a Southwest flight to anywhere, buy shoes from, pants from Nordstrom, groceries from Whole Foods, anything from Costco, a Starbucks espresso, or a Double-Double from In N' Out, and you'll get a taste of these brands' vibrant cultures.

Unfortunately, culture is often misunderstood and discounted as a touchy-feely, rather than a bottom line, component of a business. That's not the case.

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Contact Details:
NetZealous LLC, DBA TrainHR
Phone: +1-800-385-1627
Email: [email protected]

Conference creator: trainhr

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Fremont 94539 (United States)

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